Sunday, 13 September 2009

Restaurant city;stamina &EXP cheat


Tools you need :

1) Cheat Engine 5.5

2) Firefox or Internet Explorer

3) Flashplayer 9.0 or 10

Guide on how it is done :

Step 1: Open Cheat Engine -- click process list for firefox or internet Explorer

Step 2: check 8 byte , also scan read-only memory, HEX

First scan:
C85D89C33B28408B (Double Click)

Step 3: Double click the result and change its value to 0.

And lastly just feed your workers to 100% and you will notice that the stamina won't drop



EXP Cheat

This also makes you gain OR lose popularity very quickly (It depends when you activate the

hack and if the next customer gives you thumbs up or thumbs down)

Credits : Patiniox

Tools you need :

1) Cheat Engine 5.5

2) Firefox

Guide on how it is done :

Step 1: Open Cheat Engine -- click process list for firefox

Step 2: check 8 byte , also scan read-only memory, HEX

First scan: FFFFFFB8D02A0FF2 (Double Click)

Second scan: C985E45D8B2C4A8B (Double Click)

Third Scan:
C985E45D8B2C4A8B (Double Click)

Copy the address and paste it into this program and click Enviar.


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